Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок


A man who talks too much often does harm to himself. See Лишнее говорить - себе вредить (Л), Мельница мелет - мука будет, язык мелет - беда будет (M), Язык до добра не доведет (Я)

Var.:Язык наш - враг нашCf:Birds are entangled by their feet, and men by their tongues (Br.).A bleating sheep loses her bit (Br.). The crying cat always gets the scratch (Am.). Don't cut off your head with your tongue (Am.). A fish wouldn't get caught if it kept its mouth shut (Am.). A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat (Br.). A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his throat (Am.). Let not your tongue cut your throat (Am.). The mill that is always going grinds coarse and fine (Br.). More have repented speech than silence (Am., r.). Nothing ruins a duck but (like) his bill (Am.). An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue (Am.,Br.). The sheep that bleats loses a mouthful (Am.). Tongue double brings trouble (Am.). The tongue talks at the head's cost (Br.)

  1. язык мой враг мойЯЗЫК МОЙ ВРАГ МОЙ [sayingu] an unnecessarily loquacious unrestrained person only harms himself my tongue is my worst enemy I am my own worst enemy me and my big mouth....Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь
  2. язык мой враг мой...Русско-китайский словарь
  3. язык мой враг мойязик мй ворог мй...Українсько-російский і російсько-український фразеологичний словник (Олейник І. С., Сидоренко М. М.)