The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater


Reinhardt, Max: translation

Born Max Goldmann in Baden, Austria-Hungary, Max Reinhardt became one of the most admired and prolific directors and producers in Europe. His early work was seen in America in 1912 whenWinthrop Amesbrought Rein-hardt's Asian pantomimeSumurun(1912) to Broadway. In 1924, Reinhardt recreated his acclaimed production ofThe Miracleat the Century Theatre, which was transformed by scene designer Norman Bel Geddes into the interior of a medieval gothic cathedral. Critics lavished praise on this production, leading to an American season for Reinhardt's troupe in 1927-1928, during which they toured his celebrated productions ofA Midsummer Night's Dream, Danton 's Death, and others. With the rise of the Nazis, Reinhardt fled Europe, abandoning his home and theatres in Germany and Austria to settle in Hollywood, where he directed a lavish stage production ofA Midsummer Night's Dreamat the Hollywood Bowl in 1934. This led to the 1935 all-star Warner Brothers motion picture version. Returning to Broadway, he directedThe Eternal Road* (1937),The Merchant of Yonkers* (1938), andSons and Soldiers* (1943).

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  4. reinhardt maxReinhardt Max Goldmannem Райнхардт Макс Гольдман театральный деятель режисср актр один из основателей Зальцбургского фестиваля. Мастер сценических эффектов в созданных им...Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь