Investment dictionary


Product Placement: translation

A form of advertising (usually not involving ads) in which branded products and services are noticeable within a drama production with large audiences. Product placements are presented in way that will generate positive feelings towards the advertised brand and are implemented, mentioned, or discussed through the program. This enables the audience to develop a stronger connection with the brand and provides justification for their purchase decision.

Also known as "embedded marketing," product placements are typically found in movies, television shows, plays, etc. An example of this would be the elite sports cars often featured in the popular James Bond films.

  1. product placementproduct placement translation product placementstrong product placement \This used to be nested under placement but it doesnt fit there so I have made it a HWD. noun [co...Financial and business terms
  2. product placementмарк.u сущ.u использование определнного продукта в кинофильме или телевизионной передаче продактплейсментскрытая реклама...Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический словарь И. Мостицкого
  3. product placementмарк. продакт плейсмент метод продвижения продукта появление или упоминание товара или услуги в фильме книге телевизионной или радиопередаче оплаченные производителем про...Англо-русский экономический словарь
  4. product placementмарк. merchandising...Новый англо-русский толковый словарь по маркетингу и торговле
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