Financial and business terms


product placement: translation

product placementˈproduct ˌplacement\This used to be nested under 'placement', but it doesn't fit there so I have made it a HWD.noun[countable, uncountable]MARKETING
when the maker of a product arranges for it to appear in a film or television programme as a form of advertising:

• Product placement has turned feature films into a series of disguised commercials.

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product placementUKUSnoun[U] (alsoembedded marketing)MARKETING
a form of advertising in which a product appears or is mentioned as part of a film or television programme:»

An early example of product placement is in the 1949 movie Gun Crazy, where a Bulova clock is repeatedly shown in important scenes.


Sales of the boots really took off after some careful product placement in a kids' TV series.

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