Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation


Christianity: translation

The history of Christianity in Russia dates back over a millennium to when Prince Vladimir I of Kiev officially adopted Christianity of the Byzantine rite. As a result of the Great Schism (1054), the eastern (Orthodox) and western (Catholic) branches of Christianity were permanently sundered. WithinOrthodoxyitself, religious reforms continued throughout the centuries. One reform concerning liturgy principles caused a schism at the end of the 17th century between the so-calledOld Believersand other members of the Orthodox faith.
With the exception of the Catholic Poles and Lithuanians, most Christian subjects of theRomanovEmpire were EasternOrthodox, with the vast majority being members of theRussian Orthodox Church. Under tsarist rule, Slavic Christians enjoyed the highest status, while non-Orthodox subjects (inovertsy), includingMuslimsandBuddhists, were often subjected to economic, spatial, and political restrictions. Under Soviet rule, the state vigorously promotedatheism, while effectively co-opting the leadership of the Moscow Patriarchy. During World War II,Joseph Stalinallowed a resurgence of religious life, particularly among Russian Christians, in an effort to increase patriotism and mollify his Western allies; the new openness towardreligion, however, was short-lived and the old sanctions were soon reinstated.
Underperestroika, restrictions on religious practice were significantly lessened.Since thedissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia’s identity as a Christian state has returned in force, with many politicians—includingBoris Yeltsin,Vladimir Putin, andYury Luzhkov—striving to demonstrate their religiosity. While a number ofEurasianistideologues stress the positive aspects of Russia’s confessional diversity, changes in state policy have led to an increasing Christianization of theeducationsystem, with Russian Orthodoxy being linked to patriotism.
In the wake of the passage of the 1993constitution, the Russian government recognized four “native” religions: Eastern Orthodoxy (including its Russian,Ukrainian, Belarusian,Armenian, and Georgian variants);Islam; Buddhism; andJudaism. While there are still a good number of indigenous Catholics in the country, they, as well as members of other Christian sects, particularly Protestants, face regulation and, in some cases, have been arrested and/or deported. The high birth rate of RussianMuslims, when compared to the low fertility rate of the country’s Christian population, has generated social issues similar to those found in various countries of theEuropean Unionthat face similar demographic changes.
See alsoAlexius II; Islamism.

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