Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans


AEGINA: translation

The Greek island where the Greek sanctuary of Athena was found, which has yielded a sixth-century BC Etruscan dedicatory inscription, by an Etruscan trader Plavtena from Caere, on a Laconian cup. This can be interpreted as the counterpart to the dedication of an anchor by a Greek Sostratos at Gravisca.
See also APHAIA.

  1. aeginaAn island in the Aegean Sea in the Saronic Gulf Small medusa...Crosswordopener
  2. aegínaAegna bersetzung Gri. Tab. XXIV. eine von des Asopus vielen Tchtern welche Jupiter entfhrete und mit ihr den Aeakus zeugete. Als ihr Vater sie unter andern auch zu Co...Grundliches mythologisches Lexikon
  3. aeginaAegna ae f. дочь Асопа мать Эака O ов в Саранском заливе к югозап. от Афин прежде Oenopia C O...Латинско-русский словарь