Historical dictionary of shamanism


Underworlds: translation

Among theother worldsof many shamaniccosmologies, the existence of realms under the earth are significant. Shamanicinitiationsandjourneysmay entail a visit to these places.Piers Vitebskywrites about the frequent and calmritualdescents ofSorashamans into the underworld to converse withancestors. To do so, shamans prepare themselves by ceremonial means and then enter atranceand become monkeys climbing down a huge tree. Since the Sora underworld is the home of the dead, the shaman must be careful not to become trapped or obligated to remain there, for example, by eating the food of the dead or playing with children there. This not only illustrates the common understanding that underworlds are dangerous places but also reinforces the notion that shamans are distinct from other people in their familiarity with death.Heathenshamans also enter the underworld in trance ceremonies orseidr. A common initial experience ofcore shamanism, as taught byMichael Harnerand his colleagues, is a descent into the underworld to discover one’spower animalorhelper. Light trance is induced byrhythmicdrumming(sometimes prerecorded) and initiates are guided tovisualizethemselves descending. A similar combination of visualization and guided meditation or self-reflection is utilized inJungian therapeuticcontexts. Sylvia Perera, for example, turned the ancient Sumerian poemDescent of Inannainto a powerful therapeutic tool, emphasizing allegedly shamanic themes.

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