Historical dictionary of sacred music


Schola Cantorum: translation

(Lat. "school of singers")
Roman Catholic term for church choir; or the ensemble responding to the soloists (cantores); or thecongregationin variousresponsorialforms of liturgical music.
See alsoD’Indy, Vincent; Gregory the Great; Rome.

  1. schola cantorumSchola Cantorum translation Schola Cantorum A place for the teaching and practice of ecclesiastical chant or a body of singers banded together for the purpose of renderi...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. schola cantorumсхола канторум лат. профессиональный хор церковных певчих при папском дворе в Риме первое упоминание конец VII в. Название некоторых современных высших учебных заведени...Музыкальный словарь