Historical dictionary of sacred music


Schönberg, Arnold: translation

(13 September 1874, Vienna – 13 July 1951, Los Angeles)
The inventor of the serial method composed one liturgical work, a setting ofKol nidre(1938), unusable in traditional Jewish liturgies because Schönberg altered the text. He also composed anoratorio-likeopera,Moses und Aron(1930–1932), on his own libretto loosely based on Exodus, a tone poem calledA Survivor{}from Warsawfor male voices, narrator, and orchestra on a heroic Holocaust story (1947), again with his own text, and a setting ofPsalm130,De Profundis(1950, Hebrew text).

  1. schönberg arnoldШнберг Арнольд композитор теоретик и педагог представитель музыкального экспрессионизма глава Новой венской школы. Основоположник атональной музыки разработал двенадцатит...Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь