Historical dictionary of sacred music


Nunc Dimittis: translation

One of the three Gospelcanticlesfor the majordivine officesof the Roman Catholic liturgy, known as the Canticle of Simeon (St. Luke 2: 29–32;), sung atcomplinein the Roman rite and atEvening prayerin the Anglican rite. In theGregoriantradition, it ischantedas would be apsalm, with framingantiphons(the same weekly set is used throughout the year) and the corresponding tone.Polyphonicsettings are rare in the Roman rite but not at all uncommon in the Anglican tradition.
Nunc Dimittis(St. Luke 2:29–32)
Nunc dimittis servum tuum | Lord, now lettest thou thy ser-
Domine, secundum verbum | vant depart in peace, according
tuum in pace.Quia viderunt | to they word. For mine eyes
oculi mei salutare tuum. Quod | have seen thy salvation, which
parasti ante faciem omnium po- | thou hast prepared before the
pulorum. Lumen ad revelatio- | face of all people; to be a light
nem gentium, et gloriam plebis | to lighten the Gentiles, and to
tuae Israel. | be the glory of they people Israel.
N.B. To each of the Gospel canticles is appended the lesser doxology:
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui | Glory be to the Father, to the
Sancto, sicut erat in principio, et | Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as
nunc et semper, et in saecula | it was in the beginning, is now
saeculorum. Amen. | and always, forever. Amen.

  1. nunc dimittisNunc Dimittis translation The Latin title for the Song of Simeon meaning Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace which is sung after the Second Lesson at Evening Pra...American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  2. nunc dimittisNunc Dimittis translation Nunc Dimittis The Canticle of Simeon found in Luke dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Nunc Dimittis Nunc Dimittis Catholic_Encyclopediau...Catholic encyclopedia
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