Historical dictionary of sacred music


Bruckner, Anton: translation

(4 September 1824, Ansfelden near Linz, Austria – 11 October 1896, Vienna)
Renowned symphonic composer, he wasorganistat Olomouc, near Linz, from 1855–1868 and then professor at the Vienna Conservatory and court organist in Vienna until his death. Over half of his eightmasses, twoRequiems, and three dozen shorter choral works were composed comparatively early, during his extraordinarily long period of study (through 1861). The Masses in D minor (1864) and F minor (1867) are large symphonic works, but the Mass in E minor (1866) responds, as do many of the later sacred compositions, to the ideals of theCecilian movement. These are concise pieces employingmodal chantsor chantlike melodies and spare orchestration or none at all.

  1. bruckner antonБрукнер Антон композиторромантик органист педагог. Один из крупнейших симфонистов второй половины XIX в. В творчестве опирался на традиции церковной католической музыки и...Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь