Historical dictionary of sacred music


Benedictus: translation

This word begins fourcanticlessung atlaudsin various rites: the Canticle of David (1 Chronicles 29:10–13); the canticle from the Prayer of Azariah (a deuterocanonical book included by some traditions in the Book of Daniel, 3–22); the canticle of the three young men from the same Prayer of Azariah, 29–68; and the Canticle of Zachariah (St. Luke 1:68–79; The Canticle of Zachariah is anordinaryprayer at lauds in the Roman and Byzantine rites. In theGregoriantradition, it ischantedas would apsalm, with framingantiphonsand the corresponding tone, except that there is anintonationfor each verse pair.Polyphonicsettings are rare; in the special lauds that formed part of theTenebrae, simple polyphonic settings infalsobordonecan be found. Benedictus also denotes the latter part of the Sanctus ordinary from the Roman Catholicmass, which in polyphonic settings is often composed as a separate movement orpars.
See alsoMorning Prayer; Orthrōs.
Benedictus Dominus Deus Is- | Blessed be the Lord God of Is
rael, quia visitavit et fecit rede- | rael, for he hath visited and re
mptionem plebis suae. Et erexit | deemed his people. And he hath
cornu salutis nobis, in domo | raised up a mighty salvation for
David pueri sui. | us, in the house of his servant
Sicut locutus est per os sancto- | David; And he spake by the
rum, qui a saeculo sunt, proph- | mouth of his holy prophets,
etarum ejus. | which have been since the
Salutem ex inimicis nostris, et | world began; that we should be
de manu omnium qui oderunt | saved from our enemies and
nos. | from the hand of all that hate
| us; to perform the mercy prom-
Ad faciendam misericordiam | ised to our forefathers and to
cum patribus nostris, et memor- | remember his holy convenant;
ari testamenti sui sancti. | to perform this oath which He
Jusjurandum, quod juravit ad | sware to our forefather Abra-
Abraham patrem nostrum, da- | ham, that he would give us; that
turum se nobis.Ut sine timore, | we being delivered out of the
de manu inimcorum nostrorum | hand of our enemies, might
liberati, serviamus illi. In sancti- | serve him without fear, in holitate
et justitia coram ipso, omni- | ness and righteousness before
bus deibus nostris. | him, all the days of our life.
Et tu puer, propheta Altissimi | And thou, child, shall be called
vocaberis, praeibis enim ante fa- | the prophet of the Highest: for
ciem Domini parare vias ejus. | thou shalt go before the face of
Ad dandam scientiam salutis | the Lord to prepare His ways,
plebi ejus, in remissionem pec- | to give knowledge of salvation
catorum eorum. Per viscera mis- | unto his people for the rem
isericordiae Dei nostri, in quibus | sion of their sins. Through the
visitavit nos, oriens ex alto. Il- | tender mercy of our God,
luminare his qui in tenebris et | whereby the dayspring from on
in umbra mortis sedent, ad diri- | high hath visited us, to give
gendos pedes nostros in viam | light to them that sit in dark
pacis. | ness and in the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

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