Guide to cinema


Novelist, screenwriter, director. Having worked for many years as a journalist, a novelist, a painter, and a cultural organizer, in 1935 Zavattini also embraced the cinema by writing the story and screenplay forMario Camerini'sDard un milione(I'll Give a Million, 1936). He then worked on the screenplay ofAlessandro Blasetti'sQuattropassi fra le nuvole(A Stroll through the Clouds, 1942) before initiating what would be his very long and fruitful collaboration withVittorio De Sicawith his screenplay forI bambini ci guardano(The Children Are Watching Us, 1943).
In the immediate postwar period he wrote, alone or in collaboration, the screenplays of many of the great neorealist classics, as well as becoming the most prominent theoretical voice of the neorealist movement itself by championing the notion of cinema as apedinamento(tailing or following) of everyday life in an unremitting search for truth.Although his theoretical ideas were often judged utopian and many of his projects frequently remained unrealized, he continued to be an important presence in Italian postwar culture and accrued an impressive list of screenwriting credits: he wroteSciuscia(Shoe-Shine, 1946),Ladri di biciclette(Bicycle Thieves, 1948),Miracolo a Milano(Miracle in Milan, 1951),Umberto D(1952),La ciociara(Two Women, 1960),Ieri, oggi, domani(Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, 1963), andIl giardino dei Finzi-Contini(The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, 1972), all for De Sica. He also collaborated again with Blasetti onPrima comunione(First Communion, 1950), withLuciano EmmeronDomenica d'agosto(Sunday in August, 1950), and withLuchino ViscontionBellissima(1951). Widely respected both by his fellow writers and by the many filmmakers with whom he worked, he served for many years as president of the Associazione Nazionale Autori Cinematografici (ANAC, National Film Writers Association). In 1976 he received the American Screenwriters Association Award and in 1982 both the Luchino Visconti Award and a career Golden Lion at theVenice Festival. Curiously, for someone so involved in the production of cinema, he directed only one film on his own,La veritaaaa(The Truuuuth, 1981), a fairly transparent autobiographical work in which an energetic 80-year-old man escapes from his nursing home in order to exhort people in the street to think more independently and to realize themselves through social responsibility.
Historical Dictionary of Italian Cinema by Alberto Mira

  1. zavattini, cesareNovelist screenwriter director. Having worked for many years as a journalist a novelist a painter and a cultural organizer in Zavattini also embraced the cinema by writi...Historical dictionary of Italian cinema