First names dictionary


Daniel: translation

Jewish,English,French,German,Polish, andCzech: biblical name (meaning ‘God is my judge’ inHebrew) borne by the prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel. He was an Israelite slave of the Assyrian king Nebuchadnezzar, who obtained great favour through his skill in interpreting dreams and the ‘writing on the wall’ at the feast held by Nebuchadnezzar's son Belshazzar. His enemies managed to get him cast into a lions' den, but he was saved by God. This was a favourite tale in theMiddle Ages, often represented in miracle plays. The name is popular among both Jews and Gentiles; in Ireland it has often been used as anAnglicizedform ofGaelicDomhnall(seeDONALD(SEE Donald)).
Cognates:Welsh: Deiniol.Scottish Gaelic: Dàniel.Italian: Daniele.Russian: Daniil.Ukrainian: Danilo.Finnish: Taneli.
Short form:English: Dan.
Pet forms:English: Danny.Czech: Danek, Daneš, Danoušek.

  1. danielDaniel translation Daniel The hero and traditional author of the book which bears his name dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Daniel Daniel Catholic_Encyclopediau ...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. danielDaniel bersetzungbiblischer Name hebrischen Ursprungs Bedeutung Gott ist mein Richter. In der Bibel ist Daniel einer der vier groen Propheten des Alten Testaments. Ein ze...Deutsch namen
  3. danielDaniel translationfl. thth century BCE He was a Judean exile in Babylon. Several miraculous experiences occurred to him and his friends at the courts of Nebuchadnezzar Da...Dictionary of Jewish Biography
  4. danielDaniel translation God is my judge or judge of God. Davids second son born unto him in Hebron of Abigail the Carmelitess Chr. . He is called also Chileab Sam. . One o...Easton's Bible Dictionary
  5. danielDaniel translationeighthninth century Danielem is an OLD ENGLISH alliterative poem of lines appearing in the Bodleian Librarys JUNIUS MANUSCRIPT. The poem is based mainl...Encyclopedia of medieval literature
  6. danielDaniel translationDaniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel...The King James version of the Bible
  7. danielDaniel bersetzung Dauniel Hauptgestalt des alttestamentlichen DanielBuches das nach jdischer und christlicher Tradition vom weisen Daniel bereits in Ugarit im AkatEpos ...Universal-Lexicon
  8. danielDaniel bersetzungaus dem gleich lautenden Rufnamen hebrischen Ursprungs Gott richtetem entstandener Familienname. Daniel fand als Name des alttestamentlichen Propheten Ei...Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
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  22. daniel[dnjl] n. Дэниел Даниел Даниэль мужское имя. библ. Даниил праведный судьяDaniel come to judgement нелицеприятный праведный судья тж. ирон....Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  23. danielDaniel [dnjl] ni . Дэниел Даниел Даниэль мужское имяi . библ. iДаниил праведный судья come to judgement нелицеприятный праведный судья тж. ирон.i...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  24. danieldnjl n . Дэниел Даниел Даниэль мужское имяem . библ. emДаниил праведный судья come to judgement нелицеприятный праведный судья тж. ирон....Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна
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