Financial and business terms


expense: translation

1.[countable, uncountable]ACCOUNTINGan amount of money that a business or organization has to spend on something:

• Most advertisers look upon advertising as an expense and not an investment, which is a mistake.

• The company's cost-cutting program is expected to reduce expenses by $28 million next year.

acˌcrued exˈpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
the value of goods or services that were bought by a business or organization during a particular period of time, even if it pays for them in a later period
ˌcapital exˈpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTINGCOMMERCE
money that a business or organization spends on investing in new equipment, buildings etc, rather than on running the business or producing goods:

• With plans for new airport facilities and aircraft, the airline is facing a lot of capital expenses.

diˌrect exˈpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
money that is spent directly on making one particular product or performing one particular service, rather than money spent on general costs, such as management costs
enterˈtainment exˌpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
money that a business or organization spends on taking customers to restaurants, bars, theatres etc, as a way of making business deals easier to complete:

• Entertainment expenses are bona fide business expenses only when someone besides you or your employee is being entertained.

ˌfixed exˈpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
money that a business or organization has to pay that does not change with the amount of goods or services it produces or sells
ˌgeneral exˈpensealsoˌgeneral and adˈministrative exˈpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
money that is spent on the general running of a business or organization, rather than money spent on producing goods or selling services:

• Operating profit was knocked down 15% by higher sales, administrative and general expenses.

ˈhandling exˌpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTINGTRANSPORT
the extra costs of buying and selling goods, for example packaging, shipping, storing, and insurance:

• Last year sales of paintings totalled £1.3 million, out of which the administration and handling expenses had to be paid.

ˌindirect exˈpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
money that is spent on general costs, such as management costs, rather than money spent directly on making one particular product or performing one particular service
ˈinterest exˌpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTING
money that a business or organization has to spend on paying interest on money that it has borrowed:

• Planned debt reductions will reduce annual interest expenses by about $15 million.

ˈmarketing exˌpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTINGMARKETING
money that a business or organization spends on advertising and marketing:

• Research and development went from $28 million to $45 million, while sales and marketing expenses increased even more.

ˈoverhead exˌpensealsoˈoperating exˌpenseACCOUNTING[countable usually plural]
other names forgeneral expense:

• A reduction in overhead expenses would free funds for workers' pay.

ˈsales exˌpensealsoˈselling exˌpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTINGMARKETING
the money that a business or organization spends on selling its products, for example running sales offices, paying salespeople etc:

• The company's first-quarter earnings are likely to be hurt by higher selling expenses related to new marketing programs.

ˈtravel exˌpensealsoˈtravelling exˌpense[countable usually plural]ACCOUNTINGTRAVEL
money that a business or organization spends to pay for its employees to travel to attend meetings etc
2.expenses[plural]ACCOUNTINGmoney that an employee spends while doing their job on things such as travel and food, and which their employer then pays back to them:

• Come on, have another drink — it'son expenses.

• He gets an annual salary of $1.5 million; in addition he gets reimbursed for travel and other expenses.

* * *

[CorU]ACCOUNTINGan amount of money that a person or business spends in order to do something:a big/major expense»

Waste disposal is a major expense for us.

cut down on/reduce/cut expense»

We need to cut down on our expenses.

cover/meet expenses»

He said the business needed to borrow to meet future expenses.

bear/incur an expense»

In your tax return you can include tax-deductible expenses incurred as a result of employment.


a business/operating/running expense


legal/medical/administrative expenses

unnecessary/additional/extra expense»

Money can be moved into the account without the unnecessary expense of being converted into sterling.

[U]the large amount of money that something costs:»

Buying a bigger car has proved to be wellworth the expense.


He just had his office remodelledat great expense.


Havinggone to the expense ofhiring an exhibition stand, you need to make the most of the selling opportunity.

expenses— Cf.expenses
all expenses paid— Cf. all expenses paid
at sb's expense— Cf. at sb's expense
on expenses— Cf. on expenses
spare no expense— Cf. spare no expense
See alsoACCRUED EXPENSE(Cf. ↑accrued expense),CAPITAL EXPENSE(Cf. ↑capital expense),DIRECT EXPENSE(Cf. ↑direct expense),ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES(Cf. ↑entertainment expenses),FIXED EXPENSE(Cf. ↑fixed expense),GENERAL EXPENSE(Cf. ↑general expense),HANDLING EXPENSE(Cf. ↑handling expense),INDIRECT EXPENSE(Cf. ↑indirect expense),INTEREST EXPENSE(Cf. ↑interest expense),MARKETING EXPENSE(Cf. ↑marketing expense),OPERATING EXPENSE(Cf. ↑operating expense),OVERHEAD EXPENSE(Cf. ↑overhead expense),SALES EXPENSE(Cf. ↑sales expense),TRAVEL EXPENSE(Cf. ↑travel expense)
to show the full amount of money paid for something as a cost in a company's accounts, rather than showing it as a lower and lower amount over a period of time:»

The accounting rule allows research-and-development costs to be instantly expensed or deducted from profits.

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  2. expenseExpense translation. The economic costs that a business incurs through its operations to earn revenue. In order to maximize profits businesses must attempt to reduce expe...Investment dictionary
  3. expenseexpense translationSynonyms and related wordsamount bereavement budget budget items burden of expenditure carrying charge charge charges cost cost of living costofliving ...Moby Thesaurus
  4. expense[kspens]затрата расходстатья расходастоимость ценацена ценность...Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь
  5. expenseзатрата расход статья расхода стоимость цена цена в переносн. знач. как совокупн. усилий необходимых для осущ. чегол. meet expenses покрывать расходы at the expense of ...Англо-русский дополнительный словарь
  6. expenseрасход...Англо-русский онлайн словарь
  7. expenseрасход...Англо-русский онлайн словарь
  8. expensen расход...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  9. expenseexpense [kspens] nu трата расход heavy expenses большие расходы to cut down expenses сократить расходы to go to expense тратитьсяto put smb. to expense вводить когол. в...Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
  10. expenseрасход затрата статья расхода издержки direct operating expenses initial expenses lifting expenses maintenance expenses operating expenses working expenses...Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности
  11. expenseсущ. а затрата расход to incur run up an expense тратиться to go to great expense делать большие расходы to spare no expense не экономить to put smb. to great expense...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  12. expenseтрата расход издержки application expenses expenses of court procedure expenses of patenting procedure extra expenses...Англо-русский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам
  13. expenseРасходы book marketing expenses book selling expenses circulation expenses postage expenses...Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии
  14. expensen .strong расход трата .strong издержки .strong счет цена. strong расход трата strong издержки strong счет цена....Англо-русский словарь по социологии
  15. expensen обыкн.u plu расходы издержки затратыto apportion expenses распределять расходыto be reimbursed for expenses получать компенсацию за произведенные расходыto bear expen...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии
  16. expensen. расход трата издержки цена...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  17. expenseрасход денежный m трата f...Англо-русский словарь стекольной промышленности
  18. expenseрасход средств времени construction expenses termination expensesstrongАнглорусский строительный словарь. М. Русский Язык.С.Н.Корчемкина С.К.Кашкина С.В.Курбатова...Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов
  19. expenseсущ.emstrong расход трата издержки счет цена....Англо-русский социологический словарь
  20. expenseиздержка расход трата статья расхода цена at the expense of...Англо-русский технический словарь
  21. expense.strong сущ.u общ. трата расход объем ресурсов затраченное на достижение какойл. целиem an expense of time and energy on the project трата времени и энергии на осуществл...Англо-русский экономический словарь
  22. expensen звич. pl витрати видаткиat my expense мом коштом за на мй рахунок стаття витрат перен. цна вартстьat the expense of ones life заплативши життям...Англо-украинский словарь
  23. expensen . витрата витрати . стаття витрат gross domestic s валов внутршн видатки gross national s валов нацональн видатки incidental s непередбачен витрати account предста...Англо-український дипломатичний словник
  24. expenseвидаток трата витрати цна витрата...Англо-український словник
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  26. expenseвидаткивтрата витрата...Англо-український словник технічних термінів II
  27. expenseРасходы. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии....Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
  28. expense.strong [kspens] n. расход тратаto go to expense тратитьсяat an expense of over dollars с затратой свыше долларовat ones own expense за свой счт на свои средстваto ...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  29. expenseexpense . [kspens] ni . расход трата to go to тратиться at an of over dollars с затратой свыше долларов at ones own за свой счт на свои средства to go to the of...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  30. expense.strong kspens n . расход трата to go to тратиться at an of over dollars с затратой свыше долларов at ones own за свой счт на свои средства to go to the of ...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна