Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases


Vasta: translation

Lit.'waste (land)'. References in *DB to vasta have been taken to refer to land laid waste by William I's armies, e.g. in Sussex before the Battle of Hastings, and Yorkshire after the *harrying of the North. 'Waste', however, can also indicate land which did not produce an income (for example, because it was exempt) or for which no information was forthcoming.

  1. vastaСредствоvastasnen посредствомktleviy haber vastalar средства массовой информации...Крымскотатарско-русский словарь
  2. vastaIstrongбаuнный ве adverbi тоuлько лишьvasta nyt тоuлько сейчаuс лишь сейча недаuвно тоuлько что...Финско-русский словарь