Dictionary of Hallucinations


Also known asillusory vertical splitting. Both terms are used to denote a visual distortion consisting of a vertical splitting of objects, often accompanied by a vertical displacement of the two parts along the fracture line. Illusory splitting is reported largely in the context of "migraine aurae. While this type of splitting features in some of the famous paintings of women's faces by the Spanish painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso (18811973), it has been suggested that Picasso may have experienced illusory splitting himself, possibly in the context of "migraine aura without headache. Illusory splitting is commonly classified as a "metamorphopsia, which is itself classified as a "sensory distortion.
Podoll, K., Robinson, D. (2000). Mosaic illusion as visual aura symptom in migraine.Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 8,181-184.
Podoll, K., Robinson, D. (2002). Splitting of the body image as somesthetic aura symptom in migraine.Cephalalgia, 22, 62-65.