Dictionary of Hallucinations


Haidinger's brush: translation

Also known asHaidinger brushes, Haidinger's brushes, andHaidinger's polarization brushes. All four eponyms refer to the Austrian physicist, geologist, and mineralogist Wilhelm Karl Ritter von Haidinger (1795-1871), who has been credited with being the first to describe the concomitant phenomenon in 1844. Haidinger's brush is generally classified as an *entoptic phenomenon. It consists of a yellowish horizontal
Haidinger, W. (1844). Ueber das directe Erkennen des polarisirten Lichts und der Lage der Polarisationsebene.Annalen der Physik, 139, 29-39.
Lynch, D.K., Livingston, W. (1995).Color and light in nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Priestly, B.S., Foree, K. (1955). Clinical significance of some entoptic phenomena.Archives of Ophthalmology, 53, 390-397.