Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь


[VP;subj: human]
to be extremely worried, anxious, restless (often in fear for a loved one's safety, in anticipation of an important eventetc):
-X не находил себе места (от волнения <тревоги и т.п.>)X was beside himself (with worry <anxietyetc>);
-X couldn't find any peace;
-X nearly went out of his mind (with worryetc);
-X couldn't rest for worry <worrying, frettingetc>.
♦ [Коля:] Ты что?! Мать места себе не находит... (Розов 2). [К.:] What do you think you're doing?! Mum's been beside herself with worry (2a).
♦ ...Места себе не нахожу оттого, что прожил не свою, а какую-то вроде бы чужую жизнь (Зиновьев 1). " .I can't find any peace because it seems that I have been living someone else's life, not my own" (1a).
♦ ...Когда была эта война, мама не находила себе места: отправят Генриха на Карельский перешеек... полезет в самое пекло и пропадет (Рыбаков 1). When that war was going on, mother nearly went out of her mind, they'll send him [Genrikh] to the Karelian [Isthmus], she said...he'll get into the thick of the fighting and get himself killed (1a).
♦ С этим [с преступлениями] всё кончено, они с Сударем не могли себе найти места от стыда и раскаяния, они даже думали прийти и покаяться, попросить, чтобы их простили... (Семенов 1). ...This [their criminal activity] was all over now, he and Squire could not rest for shame and repentance, they had even thought of coming and owning up, of begging to be pardoned... (1a).