Биографический словарь Зарубежные экономисты


Родился в Будапеште в 1910 г. Изучал право в Будапеште и экономику в Лондонской школе экономики. Эмигрировал в США в 1939 г. Во время войны служил в армии. Преподавал в Стэнфорде, Беркли, Йельском и Гарвардском университетах, в Лондонской школе экономики. Основные работы посвящены различным проблемам микроэкономики, теории благосостояния, международной торговли, экономического развития. Скитовски является автором весьма популярного инструмента в теории благосостояния общественной кривой безразличия (Community Indifference Curve). Основные работы: *A Study of Interest and Capital*, 1940, Economica. *A Note on Welfare Propositions in Economics*, 1941, RES. *Capital Accumulation, Employment and Price Rigidity*, 1941, RES. *A Reconsideration of the Theory of Tariffs*, 1942, RES. *A Note on Profit Maximization and its Implications*, 1943, RES. Welfare and Competition: the economics of a fully employed economy, 1951. Mobilizing Resources for War: The economic alternatives, with E.S. Shaw and L. Tarshis, 1951. *Two Concepts of External Economies*, 1954, JPE. Economic Theory and Western European Integration, 1958. *Standsards for the Performance of Our Economic System*, 1960, AER *On the Principle of Consumers Sovereignty*, 1962, AER Papers on Welfare and Growth, 1964. Money and the Balance of Payments, 1969. Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries, with I.M.D. Little and M.F.G. Scott, 1970. *Whats Wrong with the Arts is Whats Wrong with Society*, 1972, AER. *The Producer Society*, 1972, De Economist. *The Place of Economic Welfare in Human Welfare*, 1973, QJE. *Inequalities: Open and hidden, measured and immeasurable*, 1974, Annals of AAPSS. *Are Men Rational or Economists Wrong?*, 1974, in Nations and Households in Economic Growth. The Joyless Economy: An inquiry into human satisfaction and consumer dissatisfaction, 1976. *Market Power and Inflation*, 1978, Economica. *Asymmetries in Economics*, 1978, Scottish Journal of PE. *Can Changing Consumer Tastes Save Resources?*, 1979, in Economic Growth and Resources. *Can Capitalism Survive? An old question in a new setting*, 1980, AER. *Excess Demand for Job Importance and its Implications*, 1981, in Wert und Praefernzprobleme in den Sozialwissenshaften. *The Desire for Excitement in Modern Society*, 1981, Kyklos. *Subsidies for the Arts: The economic argument*, 1983, in Economic Support for the Arts. *Human Desire and Economics Satisfaction*, 1985, Kyklos. *Psychologizing by Economists*, 1986, in MacFadyen, editors, Psychology. Human Desire and Economic Satisfaction: Essays on the frontiers of economics, 1986. *Growth in the Affluent Society*, 1987, Lloyds BR.