Англо-русский новый словарь современного неформального английского языка


up and at them expr imper infml Come on, everybody, up and at them! А ну, навалились! Up and at 'em! А ну, взялись дружно!

  1. up and at themup and at them translation. adv. phr. Actively engaged in a task as if doing combat. You want to know whether he will make a diligent worker Dick asked. Well I can tell ...Dictionary of American idioms
  2. up and at themup and at them translation. adv. phr. Actively engaged in a task as if doing combat. You want to know whether he will make a diligent worker Dick asked. Well I can tell ...Dictionary of American idioms
  3. up and at themexpr imper infml Come on everybody up and at them! А ну навалились! Up and at em! А ну взялись дружно!...Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики