Ancient Egypt


Piye: translation

(reigned c. 747–720 BC)
Throne namesUsimaatreandSneferre. Ruler of Nubia formerly known as Piankhy. Successor of Kashta. He is known principally from a stela detailing his military campaign against Egypt around 728 BC. He appears to have inherited control over parts of southern Egypt, and he temporarily extended Nubian control throughout the country by defeating local princes, notably Tefnakhte, prince of Sais, although control was largely lost upon his return to Nubia. He was buried in el-Kurru near Napataand was succeeded by his brother, Shabaqo, who conquered Egypt and founded Dynasty 25.
See also Shepenwepet.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
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see Piankhy
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David