Ancient Egypt


Germanicus: translation

(15 BC–19 AD)
Roman prince. Son of Nero Claudius Drusus and Antonia, daughter of Marcus Antonius. He was likely born in Rome on 24 May 15 BC. His original name was probablyNero Claudius Germanicus, but he was known as Germanicus Julius Caesar following his adoption by Emperor Tiberius in 4 AD. He was destined to succeed to imperial power and held several high appointments, including governor of Germany and Syria. In 19 AD, he traveled to Egypt despite the ban on senatorial visits and was well received in Alexandria. He died in Antioch upon his return on 10 October 19 AD.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

  1. germanicusGermanicusa umiгерманский...Латинский словарь
  2. germanicusGermanicusGermanicus a umгерманский...Латинско-русский словарь
  3. germanicusIstrong Germnicus a um Germanicianusexerctus G T римские войска в Германииmare Germanicum PM Северное море Germnicus m.Германик agnomen сына Друза племянника императо...Латинско-русский словарь