Westerns in Cinema


Born in Arkansas, Alan Ladd is most remembered by Western fans for his role in Shane, the 1953 film directed by George Stevens. Shane is a mysterious figure who accidentally comes upon a farmstead owned by a family that he immediately comes to love. When trouble develops, it becomes clear that Shane is a man who knows how to use a gun. Though he was once a gunfighter, Shane wants to settle down and live like the Starrett family, maybe have a wife like Marian (Jean Arthur) and a son like Joey (Brandon De Wilde). Ladd was ideal for this role. Earlier in his career he had played heavies in non-Western films noir, and he had even appeared in a few Westerns such as Whispering Smith (1948) and Branded (1950). As Shane, however, Alan Ladd became one of the most revered characters of any Western. Young Joey Starrett idolized him. He and Marian give each other long looks, knowing that under other circumstances matters might have been different. Yet, Shane respects Joe Starrett (Van Heflin) as well; there is never any real jealousy. Just as a side note, Arthur was 13 years older than Ladd at the time.