Westerns in Cinema


CRUZE, James: translation

Born Jens Vera Cruz Bosen in Utah, James Cruze was involved in some production or acting role in over 100 films of the silent era. He first began work in films with the New York–based Lubin Company in 1910. In 1922 Cruze directed The Covered Wagon, one of the early silent screen epics. He followed with another epic, The Pony Express(1925), which, however, was not a success. The film seemed static compared to its predecessor and the plot was clearly contrived. It starred Betty Compson, Ricardo Cortez, and Wallace Beery. Cruze was married to actors Marguerite Snow and Betty Compson.

  1. cruze, jamesсм. Крюзе Джеймс...Режиссерская энциклопедия. Кино США