Violins and Violin Makers. Biographical Dictionary


Those who desire to make themselves acquainted with the chief characteristics of the great Cremona makers should take every opportunity of examining genuine instruments. In addition to the other external indications we have pointed out, one of the most important, which is also the most difficult, if not impossible to imitate, is the varnish, including the colour. None of them seem to have adhered to one colour only. The present master for instance covered some of his finest violins with a deep rich yellow, almost approaching to orange. Others again will be found of a fine red, having something of a most lovely light cherry tint. Now these colours were mixed by the best makers with amber varnish of the purest and clearest consistency, and both colours and varnish are perfectly free from that muddy sort of appearance which so often disfigures modern instruments. The effect is that of perfect transparency. You look at a clear perfect rich colour, as it were, through the purest crystal. This is one of the most certain indications of a genuine instrument. The moderns unfortunately seem to have lost the secret of making this lovely transparent clear coloured varnish, and the consequence is that a connoisseur of ability and experience never doubts when he sees an instrument whether it be the work of a great master. It is however supposed that all the genuine productions of the chief Cremona makers are now known, and we would not therefore have our readers flatter themselves they can pick up any of them in a casual way. Vigilant eyes and sharp judgments have long swept over Europe in search of them. But the advantage is this - that a knowledge of the best enables the amateur to discern a near approach to it, and thus distinguish those makers who are not so well known, though, being the pupils and followers of the great masters, they are well worthy of his choice. Large diamonds are rare and very dear. A smaller gem must suffice the amateur of moderate means.