The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater


Born David Wollfeld (or Wohlfelt) in San Francisco, the actor had inauspicious theatrical beginnings as an usher. He then played bit parts at the Bush Street Theatre in his hometown. A move to New York brought him comedic Jewish roles at the Casino Theatre. Major success came whenDavid Belascocast him as the title character inThe Auctioneer(1901). More Belasco-produced triumphs followed:The Music Master(1904),A Grand Army Man(1907), andThe Return of Peter Grimm(1911). These plays earned Warfield a fortune on tour even as he challenged theTheatrical Syndicate. He challenged himself in 1922 by playing Shylock inThe Merchant of Venice. He received mixed reviews, but the production ran for 92 performances in New York, and Warfield toured in it for two years prior to retiring.