The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick


After retiring as an economist with the Economic Development Administration of the U. S. Department of Commerce in 1997, Leonard F. Wheat wroteKubrick’s 2001:A Triple Allegory,published by Scarecrow Press in June 2000. The book first examines “The Surface Story,” then turns to the triple allegorical subtext, discussing “The Odysseus Allegory,” “The Man-Machine Symbiosis Allegory,” and “The Zarathustra Allegory,” while attempting to explain the film’s mysteries and building a case for his assertion that2001: A SPACE ODYSSEYis the “grandest motion picture ever filmed. ” Wheat, an associate editor of theJournal of Regional Science,is also the author of two booklength governmental studies and several journal articles in his field. He also is the author ofPaul Tillich’s Dialectical Humanism: Unmasking the God above God,published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 1970. Dr. Wheat received his Ph. D. in political economy and government from Harvard University in 1958 and is a resident of Fairfax County,Virginia.
J. M. W.