

Omar Khayyam: translation

(c. 1048–c. 1122) Persian astronomer, mathematician, and poet
Omar Khayyam, who was born at Nishapur (now in Iran), produced a work on algebra that was used as a textbook in Persia until this century. He gave a rule for solving quadratic equations, he could solve special cases of the cubic, and – in a last work – seemed to have some inkling of the binomial theorem. He also worked on the reform of the Persian calendar, which was basically the Egyptian one of 365 days, introducing a sixth epagomenic (extra) day and obtaining an accurate estimate of the tropical year.

  1. omar khayyāmOmar Khayym translationGhiyth alDn Ab alFath Umar ibn Ibr hm alNs br alKhayym Omar Khayym was a Persian scientist and mathematician famous in his own day for his contribu...Encyclopedia of medieval literature