

Averroës: translation

Averroës (orAbu Al-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd )
(1126–1198) Spanish–Muslim physician and philosopher
Averroës, also known simply as ‘The Commentator’ to the Latin West, or Ibn Rushd, came from a family of jurists and was born in Cordoba in Moorish Spain. He himself trained in law and medicine and later served asqadior judge in Seville and Cordoba. In 1182 he was appointed physician to the court of caliph Abu Ya`qub Yusuf in Marrakesh and to his son, Abu Yusuf Ya`qub, in 1195 but was recalled shortly before his death.
In the field of medicine Averroës produced hisKulliyat fi al tib(General Medicine) between 1162 and 1169. He is however better known for his great commentaries on Aristotle but, above all, for hisTahafut al-Tahafut(The Incoherence of the Incoherence), a strong attack on the Muslim philosopher al-Ghazzali'sTahafut al-Falasifah(The Incoherence of the Philosophers). The work was more influential in the Latin Christian West than in the Muslim East, and its contents paved the way for the medieval separation of faith and reason.

  1. averroesAverroes translation Averroes Arabian philosopher astronomer and writer on jurisprudence born at Cordova died at Morocco dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Averroe...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. averroësAverros translationIbn Rushd The most important Muslim Aristotelian philosopher and the most renowned scholar of Islamic Spain was Ibn Rushd known in the West as Averros ...Encyclopedia of medieval literature
  3. averroesAverroes translationAlfred IvryAbl Wald Muammad ibn Amad ibn Rushd needs tobe known only as Averroes to be familiar to students of philosophy inthe West. Greatly respect...History of philosophy
  4. averroësAverros translationor Ibn Rushdem The most distinguished and influential Islamic Aristotelian Averros was born in in Cordoba and was educated in law and various science...Philosophy dictionary
  5. averroesAverroes bersetzung Averroes [avros] arabischer Philosoph und Arzt Ibn Ruschd...Universal-Lexicon