Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок


It is only the end that can show if a man has been happy or suc cessful. See Не говори "гон", пока не перескочишь (H)

Var.:Вечер покажет, каков был день. Хвали жизнь при смерти, а день вечером. Хвали утро днём, а день вечером, не видав вечера, и хвалиться нечего
Cf:Before the morning is away praise not the glory of the day (Br.). Boast not tomorrow, for you know not what a day may bring forth (Am.). Call no man happy till he dies (Br.). Call no man happy till he is dead (Am.). The evening crowns (praises) the day (Br.). No day is over until the sun has set (Am.). Praise a fair day at night /, and life at the end/ (Br.). Praise a fine day at night (Am.). Wait till night before saying that the day has been fine (Br.)