Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок


Л stupid man does much of unnecessary walking. See Дураку семь верст не крюк (Д)

Var.:Дурная голова ногам покоя не даёт. За глупой головою и ногам нет покою. С дурною головою и ногам нет покою
Cf:Brains in the head saves blisters on the feet (Am.). A forgetful head makes a weary pair of heels (Br.). If you don't use your head, you must use your legs (Am.). Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet (Am.,Br.). My silly head will never save my feet (Br.). Use your head and save your heels (Am.). What you haven't got in your head, you have in your feet (Am.). What your head forgets, your heels must remember (Am.). A witless head makes weary feet (Br.)