Philosophy dictionary


Xenophon: translation

(c.428–c.354 BC)
Greek general and historian. Xenophon is remembered philosophically for a number of writings in which he sets out to rehabilitate Socrates from the various charges that led to his death. His Socrates tends to be a more reasonable kind of chap than that of Plato ; for example, instead of embracing the Socratic paradox of identifying virtue with knowledge, he is aware that a training of the sentiments may be needed in order to keep knowledge of what one should do vivid in one's mind at the crucial moment.

  1. xenophonXenophon bersetzung ein Schler des Sokrates dessen Denkwrdigkeiten er nach seinem Tode schrieb und einer der fruchtbarsten griechischen Schriftsteller geb. v. Chr. in At...Damen Conversations Lexikon
  2. xenophonXENOPHON translation See Kardouchoi....Historical Dictionary of the Kurds
  3. xenophón[\Xenophnt] trt. Ксенофонт...Венгерско-русский словарь
  4. xenophonКсенофонт...Голландско-русский словарь
  5. xenophonXenophn ntis m. Ксенофонт родился в Афинах ок. г. до н. э. греч. историк военачальник и публицист ученик Сократа руководил отступлением греков после битвы при Кунаксе ...Латинско-русский словарь
  6. xenophonгреческий историк I. ....Латинско-русский словарь к источникам римского права