Philosophy dictionary


Theophrastus: translation

(c.370–c.288 BC)
A pupil and collaborator of Aristotle's, and his successor as the head of the Peripatetics . Although he was an influential teacher and an energetic writer, few of his works have survived. His philosophy differed from that of Aristotle mainly in an empiricist direction, and in scepticism concerning the extravagances of Aristotle's teleological approach to nature, but mainly he pursued Aristotelian science and systematization. His treatiseOn the Opinions of the Physical Philosopherswas the major source of later knowledge of the Presocratics.

  1. theophrastusGreek philosopher who was a student of Aristotle and who succeeded Aristotle as the leader of the Peripatetics BC...Crosswordopener
  2. theophrastusTheophrastus translation Ionians ltthe...History of philosophy
  3. theophrastusTheophrastus translationc. bc bc Greek botanist and philosopherTheophrastus who was born at Eresus on Lesbos now in Greece attended the Academy at Athens as a pupil of ...Scientists
  4. theophrastusm.Теофраст родом из Эреса Лесбос афинский философ ученик Платона и Аристотеля гг. до н. э. Vr C Sen...Латинско-русский словарь