Philosophy dictionary


Malthus, Thomas Robert: translation

English social theorist. Although belonging principally to the history of science, Malthus'sEssay on Populations(1798) was philosophically influential in undermining the Enlightenment belief in unlimited possibilities of human progress and perfection . The ‘principle of population’, or natural tendency of populations to expand geometrically, and therefore faster than resources (which are constrained by available area), seemed to promise instead a grim vista of inevitable epidemic and famine. The principle was, and remains, an uncomfortable argument against attempting to check poverty by providing food and other resources, since such a policy will only renew the same problems in subsequent, larger, generations.

  1. malthus, thomas robertMalthus Thomas Robert translation in geography renowned for his theory of population as it relates to resources. Based on the principles that food production increases at...Geography glossary
  2. malthus, thomas robertперс. эк. демогр. Мальтус Томас Роберт английский экономист представитель классической школы в политической экономии внес вклад в денежную теорию и теорию перепроизводст...Англо-русский экономический словарь