Philosophy dictionary


Edwards, Jonathan: translation

American philosopher and theologian. Born in Connecticut, Edwards was educated at Yale, and showed an early passion for philosophy and theology. His uncompromising Calvinism survived exposure to the works of Locke, and in metaphysics led to an idealism quite similar to that of Berkeley, with the ordin-ary world no more than the set of impressions afforded to us by God. In ethical matters Edwards retained the view that any virtue people acquire is through the free gift of God, and that no unaided effort can improve the fallen condition of humanity. Edwards played a major role in the ‘Great Awakening’ or New England religious revival of the mid-18th century.

  1. edwards, jonathanEdwards Jonathan translation American Congregational theologian and preacherstrong Jonathan Edwards was the greatest American theologian of his day. He is remembered for...Encyclopedia of Protestantism