Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики


adj infml After that my nerves went all to pieces and Dad started coming home three sheets in the wind — В результате этого нервы у меня стали ни к черту, а предок начал приходить домой в дрезину пьяный

  1. three sheets in the windthree sheets in the wind translation three sheets in the wind amp three sheets to the wind amp two sheets to the wind Inf.u intoxicated and unsteady. Sheets are the rope...Dictionary of American idioms
  2. three sheets in the windthree sheets in the wind translation three sheets in the wind amp three sheets to the wind amp two sheets to the wind Inf.u intoxicated and unsteady. Sheets are the rope...Dictionary of American idioms
  3. three sheets in the windthree sheets in the wind adj infml After that my nerves went all to pieces and Dad started coming home three sheets in the wind В результате этого нервы у меня стали ни к...Англо-русский новый словарь современного неформального английского языка