Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology


Froude number: translation

A dimensionless numerical quantity used as an index to characterize the type of flow in a hydraulic structure that has the force of gravity (as the only force producing motion) in conjunction with the resisting force of inertia. It is the ratio of inertia forces to gravity forces, and is equal to the square of a characteristic velocity (mean, surface, or maximum velocity) of the system divided by the product of a characteristic linear dimension (e.g. diameter or depth) and the gravity constant, acceleration due to gravity, all of which are expressed in consistent units in order that the combinations will be dimensionless. The number is used in open-channel flow studies or where the free surface plays an essential role in influencing motion [1] such as in karst conduits that are not necessarily flowing at pipe-full conditions.
See alsoChézy equation; Manning equation; Reynolds number.

  1. froude numberчисло фруда...Англо-русский физический словарь
  2. froude numberчисло Фруда...Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь
  3. froude numberЧисло Фруда...Англо-русский морской словарь
  4. froude numberчисло Фруда...Англо-русский словарь по космонавтике
  5. froude numberСмотри число Фруда Fr....Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии