Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology


anthodite: translation

1.Radiating crystals of aragonite, mostly sharp needles 1–20 mm long. They occur sporadically in some caves but they may also be spectacularly abundant, with clean white crystals growing all over the rock and calcite surfaces. Carlsbad Caverns (USA) and Grotte de Moulis (France) have fine anthodite displays [9].
2.A cave formation composed of feathery or radiating masses of long needlelike crystals of gypsum or aragonite, which radiate outward from a common base [10].
See alsocave flower.

  1. anthoditeантодит гипс или арагонит пещер в виде игольчатых кристаллов...Англо-русский геологический словарь