Japanese literature and theater


Waseda bungaku (Waseda Literature) is the journal of Waseda University’s literature department. Since Tsubouchi Shoyo published the first issue in 1891, the journal has witnessed 10 different “eras,” each emphasizing a different style and featuring various authors. The longest hiatus between eras was eight years. The first era featured Tsubouchi’s literary criticism, Mori Ogai’s realist theory, and the writings of Shimamura Hogetsu and Hirotsu Ryuro. Subsequent eras focused on naturalist writing. Tanizaki Seiji (1890–1971), the younger brother of Tanizaki Jun’ichiro, was chairman during the third era, and Tachihara Masaaki was editorin-chief during the seventh era. In recent years, the Waseda Bungaku Newcomer Prize was established, and the journal has featured the work of critic Ikeda Yuichi (1969–). The 10th era began in 2008, featuring a novel by Kawakami Mieko (1976–).