Investment dictionary


Waiver Of Subrogation: translation

A special type of endorsement on a property-casualty insurance policy. The Waiver of Subrogation prohibits the insurer from attempting to seek restitution from a third party who causes any kind of loss to the insured. This type of arrangement is allowable under certain circumstances where the insured could be held liable for a claim that is paid.

An example of Waiver of Subrogation can be seen where a tenant rents an apartment from a landlord and takes out a renter's insurance policy. The landlord makes an agreement with the tenant stating that the landlord will not hold the tenant liable for any type of damage to the rental unit. If damage occurs, the insurer could pay the claim to the landlord and then come after the tenant for the damage. But a Waiver of Subrogation would prevent the insurer from being able to do this.

  1. waiver of subrogationстрах. отказ от суброгации [от прав на суброгацию\] в страховании имущества отказ страховщика от права требования выплаты компенсации с третьего лица чьи действия связаны...Англо-русский экономический словарь