Investment dictionary


Paradox Of Thrift: translation

The notion that individual savings rather than spending can worsen a recession, or that individual saving is collectively harmful. This idea is generally attributed to John Maynard Keynes, who said that consumer spending contributes to the collective good, because one person’s spending is another person’s income. Thus, when individuals save rather than spend, they cause collective harm because businesses don’t earn as much and have to lay off employees who are then unable to save. Therefore, an increase in individual savings rates is believed to create a flattening or diminishing of the total savings rate.

It is important to note that the paradox of thrift is a theory, not a fact, and is widely disputed by non-Keynesian economists. One of the main arguments against the paradox of thrift is that when people increase savings in a bank, the bank has more money to lend, which will generally decrease the interest rate and spur lending and spending.

  1. paradox of thriftПарадокс бережливости стремление сберегать больше ведт к уменьшению национального дохода...Англо-русский словарь по экономике
  2. paradox of thriftэк. парадокс бережливости стремление сберегать больше ведет к уменьшению национального доходаem fallacy of composition парадокс бережливости парадокс сбереженийСловарь ...Англо-русский экономический словарь