Investment dictionary


Maintenance Bond: translation

A type of surety bond purchased by a contractor that protects the owner of a completed construction project for a specified time period against defects and faults in materials, workmanship and design that could arise later if the project was done incorrectly. A maintenance bond is not technically insurance, but basically functions as an insurance policy on a construction project to make sure a contractor will either correct any defects that arise or that the owner is compensated for those defects. Pricing a maintenance bond is very different from pricing regular coupon paying bonds.

A surety bond is a three-way contract where a third party called the surety guarantees the contractual obligations of one party (the principal) to another party (the obligee) by agreeing to pay a sum to the obligee as compensation if the principal does not fulfill its obligations. The surety assures the obligee that the principal will perform the required tasks. A maintenance bond is structured in such a way.

  1. maintenance bondГарантия на товар длительного пользования...Англо-русский словарь по экономике
  2. maintenance bondбонд обслуживания...Англо-русский словарь страховых терминов
  3. maintenance bondэк. гарантия эксплуатации [качества\]u документ который выдается подрядчиком или изготовителем и гарантирует что выполненная работа или продукция не имеют изъянов и будут...Англо-русский экономический словарь