Investment dictionary


Authorization Code: translation

A generic term that refers to a code or password that identifies the user as authorized to purchase, sell or transfer items, or to enter information into a security-protected space. For example, an authorization code would be required for a vendor to process a credit card transaction on behalf of a customer paying for goods.

Authorization codes are used for any transaction or entry that has restrictions on which users are entitled to access. For example, only certain individuals will have the authority to approve major expenses, and will probably have an authorization code in the company's records or on a case-by-case basis to complete any approval.

An authorization code is commonly attached to credit card transactions, not only to signal a merchant that the transaction is approved, but also to help identify the transaction in follow-up examinations, such as disputed transactions.

  1. authorization codeauthorization code translation authorization code UKu USu nounu [Cu] BANKINGu COMMERCEu a set of numbers or letters and numbers usually sent as an electronic message fro...Financial and business terms
  2. authorization codeкод полномочий...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности
  3. authorization codeэк. код авторизации состоящий из букв иили цифр код предназначенный для проверки правомочности совершения какойл. операции напр. код отправляемый банкомэмитентом продавцу...Англо-русский экономический словарь