Investment dictionary


Fair Trade Price: translation

A minimum price paid for certain agricultural products imported from developing countries. Fair trade is a movement which believes that it is unethical to pay producers in developing countries the market price if it is too low to provide a sufficient quality of living. Instead, certain importers agree to pay producers in the developing world at least a minimum price for their goods. The goods are then imported to developed nations where they are promoted as fair trade products, and normally sold at a higher price.

For goods to be labeled as Fair Trade Certified, they must comply with regulations outlined by the organization FLO-CERT and/or other local fair trade labellers. Opponents of the fair trade system argue that establishing a price floor results in oversupply. It is argued that this oversupply can actually lead to lower market prices for producers that are not able to sell to fair trade buyers.

  1. fair trade priceэк. цена по принципу честной [справедливой\] торговлиu повышенная цена на товары из развивающихся стран установленная в соответствии с международной концепцией справедлив...Англо-русский экономический словарь