Investment dictionary


Fair Debt Collection Practices Act - FDCPA: translation

A Federal law that limits the behavior and actions of debt collectors who are attempting to collect the debt for another person or entity. The law restricts the means and methods by which they can contact the debtor, as well as the time of day that contact can be made. If violated, suit may be brought within one year to collect damages and attorney fees.

This law does not protect debtors from those who are attempting to collect a personal debt. For example, if you owe money to the local hardware store and the owner of the store calls you to collect that debt, he is not a debt collector under this act. The act applies to third-party debt collectors such as people who work for a debt collection agency. It is designed to protect debtors from harassment by these individuals in the form of threats of arrest or bodily harm if you don’t pay. Collectors can’t imply that they represent law enforcement, nor can they make multiple phone calls daily or call you at work if you refuse to take such calls.