Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik


Theater: translation

In no other cultural field was change in form and expression so closely related to sociopolitical currents as in Weimar theater; theZeitgeistwas mirrored by the theater. Expressionism* ruled in the immediate postwar years— that is, during the era when optimists envisioned a utopian future.Neue Sach-lichkeit,* with its pragmatic approach to reality, marked the Republic sgoldene zwanziger Jahre(1924-1929) of apparent prosperity. Finally, a strident political theater exemplified the depression* years, when both electoral results and street violence underscored the polarization of society. Moreover, theater was at the core of public consciousness. Focused on Berlin,* Germany possessed an undue share of the best directors and producers, and these enjoyed the largest and most committed audiences.The extremes embodied on the stage—from the extro-verted passion of Expressionism to the militant stridency of political theater— paralleled the Republic s collective experience.
Weimar theater was marked by a wealth of talent and creative energy. The work and ideas of Max Reinhardt,* Leopold Jessner,* Erwin Piscator,* and Bertolt Brecht* are seminal to twentieth-century theater. Yet it was neither the superb acting (e.g., Gustaf Gruändgens, Fritz Kortner,* and Werner Krauss*) nor the subject matter associated with these directors that made their work important. Although fascinating plays were written in the Weimar years—for example, Walter Hasenclever's*Der Sohn, Georg Kaiser's*Von Morgens bis Mitter-nachts(From morning to midnight), Ernst Toller's*Masse-Mensch(Masses and man), Brecht'sDreigroschenoper(Threepenny Opera), or Carl Zuckmayer's*Frohliche Weinberg(Merry Vineyard)—the crowds also flocked to Shakespeare, and the critics (e.g., Herbert Ihering* and Alfred Kerr*) attached equal weight to a staging of Schiller'sWilhelm Tellas to Fritz von Unruh's*Ein Geschlecht(One family). The era s renown is based largely on design and presentation. Reinhardt s use of a revolving stage, his theater-in-the-round, and his handling of crowds; Jessner s application of color and three-dimensional steps; Piscator s sophisticated technology (e.g., film* projected on the side of the stage) and political polemics; and Brecht s blend of music* and drama, his varied use of visual and acting techniques, and his "epic theater": all revolutionized the stage.
Experimentation was not restricted to theater directors, or even to roles tra-ditionally associated with theater. While serious writers and directors embraced cabaret,* classically trained composers such as Paul Hindemith* and Kurt Weill* experimented with popular music, the architects Walter Gropius* and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy* designed theaters and stage sets, and the artist John Heartfield* made set designs while George Grosz* produced drawings for pro-jection in Piscator s plays. What resulted was an enriching of an already-excellent theater experience—one accessible to popular audiences.
For many reasons, Weimar s best theater ended by 1930. Creative exhaustion and economic depression induced the curtailment of grants and cultural polari-zation. But as damaging as these factors were, competition from talking films had a greater impact. While many theaters closed in 1930-1932, and numerous actors and musicians lost their jobs, cinema houses flourished. With Hitler's* triumph, the era of theatrical experimentation—always a left-wing phenome-non—came to an end.
REFERENCES:Laqueur,Weimar; Patterson,Revolution in German Theatre; Willett,The-atre ofthe Weimar Republic.

  1. theaterмед.сущ. операционная демонстрационный зал театр Англорусский медицинский словарь....Англо-русский медицинский словарь
  2. theaterTheater bersetzung siehe Schauspiel....Damen Conversations Lexikon
  3. theatern театр....Deutsch-Russisches Wörterbuch für Architektur
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  5. theatertheater translationSee LITTLE THEATER....Dictionary of American idioms
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  10. theaterTheater bersetzung I Schaubhne scaenai vgl. Bhne u. Schauspiel no.i II. ein Th. errichten scaenam pararei fr ein Th. schreiben fabulas scriberei zum Th. gehen Schauspiel...Kleines deutsch-lateinisches Handworterbuch
  11. theatertheater translationThe geographical area outside the continental United States for which a commander of a combatant command has been assigned responsibility....Military dictionary
  12. theatertheater translationSynonyms and related wordsBroadway DMZ Elizabethan theater Globe Theatre Greek theater aceldama agora amphitheater amusement park arena arena theater a...Moby Thesaurus
  13. theaterthereat...Английские анаграммы
  14. theater[t]театрсценическое искусство драматические произведения драматургиятеатральные зрителипомост возвышение платформатеатральность сценичность сценические эффекты постановка...Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь
  15. theaterамер. театр...Англо-русский вспомогательный словарь
  16. theaterтеатр аудитория в виде амфитеатра поле действий collect. драматическая литература пьесы...Англо-русский дополнительный словарь
  17. theaterсценический drivein theater theater dimmer...Англо-русский научно-технический словарь
  18. theaterтеатр...Англо-русский онлайн словарь
  19. theaterтеатр...Англо-русский онлайн словарь
  20. theatern театр...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  21. theatertheater [t] амер.u theatre...Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
  22. theaterкинозал...Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности
  23. theaterсущ. амер. theatre...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  24. theaterдомашний кинотеатр home theater...Англо-русский словарь по телекоммуникациям
  25. theatern theater of war operations theater of war...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии
  26. theatern. театр кинотеатр театральное искусство драматическая литература пьесы аудитория в виде амфитеатра поле действий...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  27. theaterтеатрtheater in the round театр с круглой сценой в центре arena theater film theater lecture theater openair theater operating theater outdoor theaterstrongАнглорусский ...Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов
  28. theaterсценический drivein theater theater dimmer...Англо-русский технический словарь
  29. theaterамер. theatre...Англо-украинский словарь
  30. theaterтеатр...Англо-український словник
  31. theatern амер. театр....Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  32. theatern s em театр театральное представление спектакль das Theater beginnt um sieben Uhr спектакль начинается в семь часовheute ist kein Theater сегодня в театре нет спектак...Большой немецко-русский и русско-немецкий словарь
  33. theaterTheaterstrong n s .strong теаstrongтр was wird hestrongute im Theateru gegestrongben что идstrongт сегоstrongдня в теаstrongтре Theateru der Justrongngen Welt теаstron...Большой немецко-русский словарь
  34. theaterспектакль...Голландско-русский словарь
  35. theaternBhnenhaus Schauspielhaus...Немецко-русский словарь по искусству
  36. theater[t] амер. theatre...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  37. theatertheater [t] амер. theatrei...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  38. theatert амер. theatreem...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна