Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik


Assassination: translation

A conspicuous part of Weimar history was political mur-der. Rosa Luxemburg* and Karl Liebknecht,* leaders of the new KPD, were assassinated in Berlin* on 15 January 1919 by Waldemar Pabst's*Gardeka-vallerie-Schutzendivision(Guard-Cavalry-Rifle Division). Kurt Eisner,* leader of a coalition socialist government in Bavaria,* was murdered on 21 February 1919 by Anton von Arco-Valley,* a misguided aristocrat. Leo Jogiches, erst-while companion of Luxemburg, was killed while in police custody on 10 March 1919, while Hugo Haase,* chairman of the USPD, died on 7 November 1919 of complications from a gunshot wound.
From 1920, with abolition of the Freikorps,* political violence was institu-tionalized under the headingFemegericht* ("folkish justice").Among such groups as the notoriousOrganisation Consul* (OC), murder was deemed a means for destabilizing the Republic; indeed, it increasingly became its ownraison d'etre. On 9 June 1921 members of OC killed the USPD leader Karl Gareis in Munich. On 26 August 1921 they murdered Matthias Erzberger,* chairman of Germany s Armistice* delegation. They attempted to blind Philipp Scheidemann,* the Republic's first Chancellor, by spraying his face on 4 June 1922 with prussic acid. One month later they brutally assaulted Maximilian Harden,* editor ofDie Zukunft. But their most celebrated victim was Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau,* assassinated in Berlin on 24 June 1922. This act forced the Reichstag* to pass its Law for the Protection of the Republic.* Pro-viding a prohibition against extremist groups and stiff penalties for conspiracy to murder, the law was opposed by the DNVP, the BVP (Bavaria refused to recognize the law), and the KPD. Its impotence ultimately resulted from a ju-diciary enamored of the Right.
According to research completed in 1922 by Emil Gumbel,* 354 people had been assassinated since 1919. Significantly, in the 22 cases attributed to the Left, 17 people were punished; only 27 right-wing assassins were punished for the remaining 332 murders. According to Gustav Radbruch,* justice* was "blind in the right eye. When Gerhard Rossbach,* another Freikorps leader, was tried in Stettin s 1928Fememord Prozess, it was disclosed that 200 political murders had been carried out in Upper Silesia* alone. In the unstable atmosphere of the depression,* this culture of violence only intensified. Richard Bessel noted that by "the time the Weimar system crumbled, there was hardly a city or town in Germany which had been spared political violence. In the seven weeks pre-ceding the 31 July 1932 Reichstag elections, Prussia experienced 461 political riots that resulted in 82 deaths and approximately 400 serious injuries. During early August a city councilor from Königsberg was murdered, the mayor of Norgau was shot to death, two police officers were killed in Gleiwitz, a Nazi was killed in Kreuzburg, two Communists and two Social Democrats were se-riously wounded in Konigsberg, the leader of Lotzen'sReichsbanner* was shot to death, a Nazi accidently blew himself up in Silesia, and a Communist was killed by Nazis in Potempa.* Ultimately, the NSDAP, creating disorder while promising order, was the beneficiary of this gruesome orgy.
REFERENCES:Bessel,Political Violence; Brecht,Prelude to Silence; Diehl,Paramilitary Politics; Howard Stern,"Organisation Consul"; Waite,Vanguard of Nazism.

  1. assassinationassassination translation nounADJECTIVE attempted targeted political Three local leaders have been killed in political assassinations character a vicious campa...Collocations dictionary
  2. assassinationassassination bersetzung assassination Ermordung fu wichtiger Personen tdliches Attentat n...Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz
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  4. assassinationпредательское убийство террористический акт...Англо-русский дополнительный словарь
  5. assassinationn вероломное убийство убийство убийство по политическим мотивам...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  6. assassinationassassination [ssnen] nu предательское убийство...Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
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  8. assassinationn .strong убийство политического или общественного деятеля .strong злобная клевета. strong убийство политического или общественного деятеля strong злобная клевета....Англо-русский словарь по социологии
  9. assassinationnубийство по политическим илиem религиозным мотивамto be behind the assassination быть инициатором покушенияto carry out an assassination совершать убийство по политиче...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии
  10. assassinationn. убийство политическое убийство предательское убийство...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  11. assassinationssnenубийство по политическим мотивам вероломное предательское убийство...Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов
  12. assassinationсущ.emstrong убийство политического или общественного деятеля злобная клевета....Англо-русский социологический словарь
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  14. assassinationnпдступне зрадницьке убивство...Англо-украинский словарь
  15. assassinationполтичне вбивство вбивство з полтичних мотивв assassination of a political foe вбивство полтичного противника assassination attempt assassination assassination plot...Англо-украинский юридический словарь
  16. assassinationn . вбивство з полтичних мотивв . пдступне вбивство attempted спроба вбивства спроба вбивства з полтичних мотивв...Англо-український дипломатичний словник
  17. assassinationубивство вбивство...Англо-український словник
  18. assassinationn убивство з полтичних мотивв вроломне зрадницьке вбивство....Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  19. assassinationполтичне вбивство вбивство з полтичних мотивв assassination of a political foe вбивство полтичного противника assassination attemptassassinationassassination plot...Англо-український юридичний словник
  20. assassination[ssnen] n. убийство политического или общественного деятеля по идейным мотивам или за деньгиassassination attempt on the Pope покушение на папу римского. подрыв чегол.ch...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  21. assassinationassassination [ssnen] ni . убийство политического илиi общественного деятеля по идейным мотивам или за деньгиi attempt on the Pope покушение на папу римского . подрыв ч...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  22. assassinationssnen n . убийство политического илиem общественного деятеля по идейным мотивам или за деньгиem attempt on the Pope покушение на папу римского . подрыв чегол.em char...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна