Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation


New russians: translation

A derogative term, “New Russians” (novye russkiie) is used to refer to the nouveau riche in post-Soviet Russia. The concept of “New Russian” is defined by conspicuous consumption, an absence of good taste, and unfamiliarity with high culture. New Russians emerged as the dominant social class in the 1990s, asprivatizationcreated opportunities for social mobility, sweeping aside the oldnomenklatura>. Stereotypical New Russians can be recognized by their expensive mobile phones, jewelry, cars, and clothes; they frequent tony nightclubs and overpriced cafes. Many are connected with themafiaand often employ (or affect) the Russiancriminalargot.
See alsoOligarchs.

  1. new russiansновые русские условная категория обозначающая специфическую группуроссийского населения около резко повысившую свои доходы в результате экономических реформ в России. н...Англо-русский словарь по социологии