Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation


Religious leader and politician. Akhmad Kadyrov was born inKazakhstanduring theChechendeportation; he later studiedIslaminUzbekistan. Kadyrov served as chief mufti of the breakawayChechen Republic of Ichkeriyaduring the 1990s, famously calling for an international jihad against Russian federal forces during the firstChechen War. However, he later switched his loyalty to Moscow, and condemned the rising influence of radicalIslamistsin his country, particularlyShamilBasayev’s attempts to create a caliphate across theNorth Caucasus. Backed by the Kremlin, Kadyrov administered the republic from 2000 until 2003, when he won the Chechen presidency. In 2004, after escaping several assassination attempts, he was killed in a bomb blast that ripped through a victory parade commemorating the Soviet victory in World War II. In 2007, his son,Ramzan Kadyrov, followed in his footsteps, becoming the Chechen president.
See alsoTerrorism.